Dating stalagmite from Caverna do Diabo (Devil´S Cave) by TL and EPR techniques

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A cylindrical fragment of stalagmite from Caverna do Diabo, State of São Paulo, Brazil, has been studied and dated by thermoluminescence and electron paramagnetic resonance techniques. The thermoluminescence glow curves of stalagmite samples and subsequently gamma irradiated, have shown rise of three peaks at 135, 180 and 265 °C. From electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of stalagmite was possible to clearly identify three paramagnetic centers in the g = 2.0 region: Centers I, II and III are due to , and , respectively. The additive method was applied to calculate the accumulated dose using thermoluminescence peak at 265 °C and the electron paramagnetic resonance signal at g = 1.9973 of CO- 2 radical. The ages of the different slices of stalagmite were determined from the Dac- values and Dan- value, obtaining an average of 86410 for central slice, 53421 for second slice, 31490 for third slice and 46390 years B.P. for the central region of upper end.

Como referenciar
WATANABE, SHIGUEO; CANO, NILO F.; RAO, T.K.G.; SILVA-CARRERA, BETZABEL N.; CARMO, LUCAS S.; QUINA, ANTONIO J. A. DE; GENNARI, ROSELI F.; MUNITA, CASIMIRO S.; AYALA-ARENAS, JORGE S.; FERNANDES, BRUNO G. Dating stalagmite from Caverna do Diabo (Devil´S Cave) by TL and EPR techniques. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 88, n. 4, p. 2137-2142, 2016. DOI: 10.1590/0001-3765201620150755. Disponível em: Acesso em: 03 Jun 2024.
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