Corrosion of spent aluminium-clad research reactor fuel - synergism in the role of storage basin water parameters

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Concerns about corrosion of aluminium clad research reactor (RR) fuels in wet storage lead to three IAEA supported projects. The activities within these projects consisted of exposing racks of test coupons of a variety of aluminium alloys in different configurations to spent fuel storage basins in 17 participating countries worldwide. The aluminium alloys were representative of typical RR cladding alloys, handling tools and storage racks. The coupons were evaluated after predetermined exposures times and the storage basin water parameters were monitored periodically during the projects. Pitting was the main form of corrosion and this was influenced by the conductivity and chloride ion content of the water, formation of galvanic couples and settled solid particles. Marked synergism was observed in the influence of these parameters on aluminium alloy coupon corrosion and this paper highlights this phenomenon.

Como referenciar
RAMANATHAN, L.V.; HADDAD, R.E.; ADELFANG, P.; RITCHIE, I.G. Corrosion of spent aluminium-clad research reactor fuel - synergism in the role of storage basin water parameters. In: RESEARCH REACTOR FULE MANAGEMENT, March 2-5, 2008, Hamburgo, Alemanha. Proceedings... Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 Feb 2025.
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