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Resumo IPEN-doc 25907 Alternative for the quality control of antivenom production proposed by Lonomia obliqua caterpillars using analytic techniques2018 - LEÃO, ANICARINE R.; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; SILVA, DALTON G.N. da; MENDONÇA, RONALDO Z.; SIMONS, SIMONE M.The caterpillars Lonomia obliqua Walker (L. obliqua) species, commonly found in southern Brazil, is very poisonous and can cause severe damage in human (haemorrhagic e®ects) after the contact that can lead to death [1]. The ¯rst case of poisoning (registered in Brazil) occurred in 1989 and the average number of accidents is closer to 500/year [2]. Nowadays, the Butantan Institute (Research Center at S~ao Paulo city, Brazil) is active in the production of this antiveneom in Latin America; it is the only producer of antilonomic serum. However, in the last two years, this caterpillar has been found in other regions due, mainly, to the expansion and destruction of natural ecosystems provide their growth in all regions of the country. To ensure that the antivenom produced (considering the di®erent origins) can be used for the manufacture of unaltered antilonomic serum, it is necessary to standardize this antidote. We intend to standardize the serum obtained from di®erent regions of origin using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). The experimental conditions using the compact XRF spectrometers (X-123SDD, Amptek) were optimized. The results will be compared and validated with INAA analysis.Resumo IPEN-doc 24530 Neutron activation analyses for investigation of antilonomic serum for caterpillars lonomia obliqua walker (Lepidoptera: saturniidae)2017 - LEAO, A.R.; ZAMBONI, C.B.; SILVA, D.G.N. da; MEDEIROS, I.M.M.A.; SIMONS, S.M.Since 1996 the Butantan Institute (IBu, São Paulo city), in collaboration with the Health Departments of some Brazilian states, produces serum antilonomic using the caterpillars of the species L. obliqua from several regions of Brazil. However, no data of their elemental composition to ensure that the antivenom produced (considering the different origins) maybe used to manufacture serum unchanged in the final product, as regards the toxicity of inorganic elements. In this investigation, we intend to check the elemental characterization of this antidote using Neutron Activation Analyses technique (NAA). The NAA measurements were performed in the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor (IPEN/CNEN-SP, Brasil). Each sample was irradiated for 120s and gamma counting endured 300s, HPGe detector (ORTEC-GEM 60195) coupled to a MCA (ORTEC - 919E) used. The elements concentration were obtained using the ATIVAÇÃO software. These quantitative analysis of the antilonomic serum will generate data to evaluate the possibility of establishing a standard extract, which would reduce costs in the antilonomic serum production process, as well as improvements in serum production process antilonomic in the Butantan Institute, meeting the standards of good manufacturing practices and good laboratory practice.Resumo IPEN-doc 23904 Comparative study of cl determination in antilonomic serum for caterpillars lonomia obliqua walker using EDXRF2017 - SIMONS, SIMONE M.; LEAO, ANICARINE R.; WEN, FAN H.; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.The caterpillars Lonomia obliqua Walker (L. obliqua) species is very poisonous and has the ability to cause serious and fatal hemorrhagic effects in humans after contact [1]. The Butantan Institute (Research Center, São Paulo city) produces antilonomic serum (antidote), to reverse such effects, using caterpillars mainly from Paraná (PR) where the prevalence of incidents is high. However, in the last year, this species has present in various regions (Santa Catarina, São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul) from Brazil and there is no data of its elemental composition to ensure that the antivenom produced (considering the different origins) may be used to manufacture serum unchanged in the final product. Recent measurements identified mainly Cl was majority [2]. In this investigation, we intend to check the Cl range of the antigen obtained from Parana (standardize the antigen) using EDXRF. The XRF measurements were performed using MINI X-ray spectrometer (PXRFS) from Amptek (Bedford, MA, USA) model X-123 SDD with Ag X-ray tube. The characteristics X-ray fluorescent intensity of Cl was measured with a Si detector (Si Drift 25 mm2 x 500 μm/ 0.5 mil. The excitation was performed using 30 kV and 5 μA excitation for a counting time of 100s. The quantitative analysis was performed using WinQxas software program (IAEA, version 1.3). A comparison using data from Neutron Activation Analysis emphasizes a good agreement, suggesting the viability of using the compact spectrometer to monitor the antigens from different origins in fast and efficient way. These data can be used to standardize a specific antilonomic serum for caterpillars (L. obliqua) coming from different regions of Brazil, based in Cl range, which reduce cost in the serum production process, meeting the standards of good manufacturing practices and good laboratory practice.Resumo IPEN-doc 23841 Quantification of Cl and Na in the antigen used for the production of serum antilonomic2016 - LEAO, A.R.; ZAMBONI, C.B.; SILVA, D.G.N.; MEDEIROS, I.M.M.A.; WEN, F.H.; ALINE, A.V.; MENDONÇA, R.Z.; SIMONS, S.M.Resumo IPEN-doc 23840 Neutron Activation Analyses for investigation of antilonomic serum for caterpillars Lonomia obliqua Walker (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)2016 - LEAO, ANICARINE R.; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; SILVA, DALTON G.N. da; MEDEIROS, ILCA M.M.A.; WEN, FAN H.; MENDONÇA, RONALDO Z.; SIMONS, SIMONE M.Since 1996 the Butantan Institute (IBu, São Paulo city), in collaboration with the Health Departments of some Brazilian states, produces serum antilonomic using the caterpillars of the species L. obliqua from several regions of Brazil. However, no data of their elemental composition to ensure that the antivenom produced (considering the different origins) may be used to manufacture serum unchanged in the final product, as regards the toxicity of inorganic elements. In this investigation, we intend to check the elemental characterization of this antidote using Neutron Activation Analyses technique (NAA). The NAA measurements were performed in the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor (IPEN/CNEN-SP, Brasil). Each sample was irradiated by 120s and gamma counting by 300s using HPGe detector (ORTEC-GEM 60195) coupled to a MCA (ORTEC - 919E). The elements concentration were obtained using the ATIVAÇÃO software. These quantitative analyzes of the antilonomic serum will generate data to evaluate the possibility of establishing a standard extract, which would reduce costs in the antilonomic serum production process, as well as improvements in serum production process antilonomic in the Butantan Institute, meeting the standards of good manufacturing practices and good laboratory practice.