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  • Resumo IPEN-doc 24570
    Neutron activation analysis applied to nutritional and foodstuff studies at IPEN-CNEN/SP
    Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis, INAA, has been successfully used on a regularly basis in several areas of nutrition and foodstuffs. INAA has become an important and useful research tool due to the methodology’s advantages. These include high accuracy, small quantities of samples and no chemical treatment. This technique allows the determination of important elements directly related to human health. In this paper some studies in the area of nutrition which had been carried out at the Neutron Activation Laboratory of IPEN/CNEN-SP are presented: Brazilian Total Diet Studies, trace elements in maternal milk, baby foods, edible mushrooms and wine samples. Total Diet Study (TDS) is considered as the most adequate study to assess the dietary intakes of nutrients of a population. TDS is based in assessment of groups of food, represented by a Food List, which reflects the food consumption of the population. Three Brazilian TDS have been carried out: 2 TDS of the São Paulo city and one of the Poãos de Caldas city, region that is considered as a high background radioactive area, HBA.Deficiency of minor and trace elements can lead to various disorders in the early stages of child development. The essential element level in thirty human colostrum samples from mothers of pre-term and term newborns were studied by INAA.Eating habits are important determinants of health conditions during childhood. Commercial infant food is an important part of the diet for many babies. Inadequate complementary feeding is a major cause of high rates of malnutrition throughout the world. Essential elements: Ca, Cl, Co, Cr, Fe K, Mg, Mn, Na, Se and Zn were also determined in 27 commercial infant food samples by INAA. Mushrooms and algae are excellent nutritional sources since they provide proteins, fibers and mineral. They have also been the focus of medical research. In Brazil these kind of foods are not consumed in large quantities by the general population since people know little about their nutritional and medicinal benefits. Hence, the study of mushrooms and algae intends to contribute to a better understanding of their essential element contents, which are currently commercialized in São Paulo state. Trace elements are good indicators of the origin of wines. Three procedures of wine sample preparation (freeze-drying, evaporation and dry-ashing) to determine essential elements by INAA.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 23536
    Essential element contents in food groups from the second Brazilian total diet study
    Total diet study (TDS) has been considered as one of the most appropriate approaches to estimate dietary exposure of essential elements. This paper presents preliminary results of concentrations and average dietary daily intakes of Ca, Co, Cr, Fe, K, Na, Se and Zn from the 2nd Brazilian TDS. Nineteen groups from a Food List which represents the daily intake of the population from the Brazilian southeastern region were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The dietary daily intake values for Ca (641 mg), Fe (19.6 mg), K (2738 mg), Na (2466 mg), Se (56.4 lg), and Zn (15.3 mg) were higher than the 1st Brazilian TDS.
  • Dissertação IPEN-doc 21941
    Avaliação dos teores de elementos essenciais e tóxicos em alimentos da dieta da população de São Paulo, segundo a POF 2008-2009
    2016 - AMBROGI, JÉSSICA B.
    O Estudo de Dieta Total (EDT) tem sido recomendado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde como o método mais adequado para estimar as ingestões dietéticas de contaminantes e nutrientes para um país ou grandes grupos populacionais. O presente estudo é o segundo realizado no Brasil, atualizado com dados da Pesquisa de Orçamento Familiar-POF 2008-2009 do IBGE, para avaliação de ingestão dietética dos elementos essenciais e tóxicos referente à região Sudeste do Brasil. Os alimentos que compõe a lista de alimentos foram coletados em mercados, preparados como prontos para consumo, liofilizados e homogeneizados para a análise pelos Métodos de Análise por Ativação com Nêutrons Instrumental (INAA) e Absorção Atômica com Forno de Grafite (GF-AAS). Foram determinados os elementos As, Br, Ca, Cd, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, Sc, Se e Zn. Os valores de ingestão dietética diária dos elementos foram calculados e mostraram-se satisfatórios para os elementos Cl, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Se e Zn. Para Ca, Cr e K as ingestões dietéticas calculadas encontraram-se abaixo das recomendações nutricionais. Já para os elementos cujos valores de ingestão diária média superaram as recomendações nutricionais (Cu, Fe, Mg e Mn), as ingestões foram comparadas com os valores de Limite tolerável de ingestão (UL). Concluiu-se que nenhum elemento se encontrava em quantidade acima desses limites, exceto o Na que apresentou valor ligeiramente mais alto que o UL. Em relação aos elementos tóxicos, os valores de concentração estiveram muito abaixo dos valores limites estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira, exceto para o As no grupo de peixes. Porém a ingestão de peixe é baixa, o que contribuiu para que a ingestão dietética de As nesse estudo estivesse bem abaixo do limite máximo tolerável preconizado pela JECFA (Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives), assim como o valor de ingestão dietética mensal de Cd, que esteve bem abaixo limite tolerável mensal (PTMI).
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 21110
    Essential elements in different types of EGGS by neutron activation analysis