Projetos de Pesquisa
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  • Artigo IPEN-doc 29781
    La interdisciplinariedad en la educación básica
    2022 - LEVY, D.; LEVY, P.J.; VILLAVICENCIO, A.L.C.H.
    La Base Nacional Común Curricular (BNCC) es un documento de carácter normativo que define el conjunto de aprendizajes esenciales, competencias y habilidades de la escolaridad básica para todas las escuelas brasileñas. El documento que define las etapas de la educación infantil y enseñanza fundamental fue homologado en 2017, y en 2018 se aprobaron las etapas para la Enseñanza Secundaria. La BNCC contempla cuestiones relacionadas con las ciencias nucleares, buscando el desarrollo de habilidades y competencias para una comprensión justa sobre reacciones nucleares y sus aplicaciones. Sin embargo, los propios profesores no fueron preparados para discutir el tema con profundidad y, generalmente, el tema se aborda de forma superficial a fin de cumplir el contenido mínimo requerido. El presente trabajo presenta el desarrollo de una propuesta pedagógica interdisciplinaria pasible de ser incorporada en la Enseñanza Básica, de forma transversal y integradora, desmitificando la irradiación de alimentos y la generación de energía nuclear, estes controvertidos temas que afectan a la vida humana en escala local, regional y global. El material consiste en una colección de libros ilustrados para los estudiantes, libros para docentes y un manual con actividades que se pueden desarrollar en diferentes disciplinas: portugués, matemáticas, ciencias, inglés, historia y geografía. Los libros son elaborados con alto rigor científico y articulan la tecnología nuclear con temas de interés a la sociedad en los más diversos aspectos, como el social, sanitario y económico, entre otros. El objetivo de esta propuesta pedagógica, a ser sometida al Ministerio de Educación de Brasil, es auxiliar a profesores y estudiantes en la construcción colectiva del conocimiento, incentivando la investigación de las ciencias nucleares, imprimiendo nuevos sentidos a la vida cotidiana, ampliando los horizontes de elecciones personales y profesionales de las nuevas generaciones.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 29779
    Digital technology tools to improve professional development in brazilian radioactive facilities
    This article focuses on digital technology tools to improve workers' skills in Brazilian radioactive facilities. Uniprorad is a web-based system designed to improve the global communication about radiological protection in this very large country, where it is a strong challenge to ensure high quality professional information to as many people as possible. This article presents the authors' experience in the communication of radiological protection and the evolution of this web-based system. Created in 2013, the system Uniprorad is constantly updated to offer a complete web-based repository in Portuguese for research, consultation and information. The content presents discussions related to optimization (since 2013), monitoring (developed in 2015), potential exposure (since 2017) and communication on occupational risk agents in the workplace (started in 2019). Regarding risk agents in the workplace, the content has been developed to teach the identification and evaluation of the various risk agents (physical, chemical biological and ergonomic) and their association to ionizing radiation. In addition, to concepts, definitions and theory, the Project Uniprorad counts on interactive exercises, about radiological protection taking into account.the best practices for radioactive facilities in order to meet both national standards and international recommendations. The aim of this paper is to provide a critical review of the evolutions of this web-based system to outreach this target audience, and to assist other experts on planning and implementing effective strategies to communicate radiological protection. The results of this experience support the idea that in a rapid-changing world it is a must to invest in constant innovations to improve professional development.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 29699
    O Museu Ciências Nucleares como um espaço interativo para desmistificação das ciências nucleares
    O presente artigo discute o potencial educacional do Museu de Ciências Nucleares (MCN) localizado na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, primeiro museu de Ciências Nucleares da América Latina e o único no Brasil inteiramente dedicado ao tema da radioatividade e suas aplicações benéficas. Também apresenta apontamentos sobre o museu enquanto espaço facilitador para a produção de novos saberes e desenvolvimento de competências e habilidades para a educação básica. Nesta direção, o MCN proporciona uma aprendizagem interativa e significativa da Ciência Nuclear, articulando a informação científica à realidade social, possuindo um grande papel no processo de reconstrução do conhecimento, desmistificando mitos e medos infundados, promovendo um senso crítico e reflexivo acerca da radioatividade. Além disso, a visita ao MCN proporciona o questionamento reconstrutivo sobre riscos e benefícios da radioatividade que oportuniza aos envolvidos a tomarem decisões éticas e cidadãs a respeito do tema com uma visão mais ampliada e cientificamente embasada.
  • Livro IPEN-doc 29577
    A mega master interessante vida de uma pastilha de urânio
  • Livro IPEN-doc 29576
    A mega master interessante vida de uma manga irradiada
  • Livro IPEN-doc 28543
    Investigando as Aplicações da Radioatividade
    2021 - LEVY, DENISE
  • Capítulo IPEN-doc 28540
    Breve história da Física Atômica e Nuclear
    2021 - LEVY, DENISE
  • Resumo IPEN-doc 28002
    Risk perception and risk acceptance
    Effective nuclear science communications can inform people about benefits and risks, allowing them to make decisions and choices. Nevertheless, regarding radiological protection, controversies and misinformation distort public's perceptions of radiation risks. This paper offers an overview of ineffective mass media communication and its impacts on citizens' perceptions of nuclear technology. There seem to be a gap between society and the scientific community. The general public do not read high-specialized articles written by scientists. In Knowledge Society, where Internet and social media are the most common source of information, opinion makers seem to privilege sensationalistic rumors about the harmful effects of ionizing radiation, environment contamination and accidents. Moreover, available information about the biological effects of the exposure to ionizing radiation confuse public's perceptions of radiation risks and benefits. Whether experts agree that radiation causes observable health effects at high doses, Intemet highlights controversies on the biological effects of low-dose radiation. Internet reports that the exposure to indoor radon is a risk factor for lung cancer. Intemet reports that the radioactive monazitic sand brings health benefits. It is not easy for the general public to understand contradictions and to identify reliable sources. This article presents and discusses examples of pseudo-scientific information, newspapers errors, fake news, and anti-nuclear didactic material, where basic concepts are mamipulated, and omission of vital information leads the public to mistrust and fear. Unfounded prejudices, misconceptions and misinformation are delivered in TV news, Intemet articles, social media, TV series, cartoons and even through science journals. The general public, most often, do not have trustful information about radiological protection regulations and recommendations regarding human health, environment protection, management of radioactive waste or safe transport of radioactive material. Finally, this paper emphasizes the importance for scientists to be able to communicate to the public developing science-based communication programs, evaluating the adequacy of those communications, investing in properly scientific divulgation about the risks and benefits of nuclear sciences that impact in citizens' everyday hfe, such as medical applications, industrial applications, public safety and nuclear power generation. The balance between risk perception and risk acceptance depends on effective, trustworthy and understandable mformation. It is essential to educate educators and opinion-makers, combating fake pseudo-scientrfic information, social networks sensationalism and omissions of the media.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 27933
    Communication about occupational exposure
    Brazil is the largest country of Latin America, with 8.5 million square kilometers divided into five regions with 3 time zones. In this large between-country distances, with plenty of radioactive facilities throughout the country, professional education and communication is a must and a challenge. This paper discusses a web-based project designed to provide effective communication about occupational exposure, linking geographically distant workers to high-quality reliable information. The web-based-project UNIPRORAD counts on concepts, definitions and theory about radiological protection based on both national and international standards, guidelines and recommendations. The content includes optimization, monitoring, potential exposure and communication on occupational risk agents in the workplace. Regarding potential exposures, it is essential to consider the concept of “risk” which, even among scientific community, seems to assume a great variety of meanings. Regarding risk agents in the workplace, it is necessary to discuss the identification and evaluation of the various risk agents (physical, chemical biological and ergonomic) addressing attention to their association to ionizing radiation. This article presentsthe authors' experience in the communication of radiological protection in Brazil, presenting global and specific issues on radiological protection, analyzing recommendations and discussing discrepancies among the several valid publications. It is our objective the dissemination of trustful updated communication, providing radioactive facilities relevant, accurate and understandable information. Finally, the article emphasizes the need to spread information wherever it is needed to inform as many people as possible, contributing to develop workers´ professional skills and to improve safety culture in workplace.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 27594
    Irradiação de alimentos no Brasil
    O presente artigo apresenta um panorama histórico da evolução do processo de irradiação de alimentos no Brasil, analisando questões regulatórias nacionais, técnicas utilizadas e aportes nos cenários social, sanitário e econômico. Esta revisão tem por objetivo fornecer à comunidade científica uma perspectiva abrangente sobre a atual situação da irradiação de alimentos no Brasil, proporcionando novas reflexões sobre eventos passados, limitações atuais e possibilidades futuras. São analisados e discutidos atuais fatores que limitam uma mais ampla utilização da irradiação de alimentos no país, dentre os quais, a carência de irradiadores que possam atender às distintas regiões do país. Finalmente, o artigo apresenta a equivocada percepção de risco por parte da população e a necessidade de ações para impulsionar a aceitação pública, dentre as quais, o desenvolvimento de programas de comunicação e informação junto ao público leigo que desconhece as contribuições das aplicações pacíficas da tecnologia nuclear.