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  • Artigo IPEN-doc 25517
    BEPU and licensing of nuclear power plants
    2018 - MENZEL, F.; SABUDJIAN, G.; DAURIA, F.
    There are different options on accidents calculation area by combining the use of computer codes and data entry for licensing purposes. One is the Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU), which considers realistic input data and associated uncertainties. Applications of BEPU approaches in licensing procedures were initiated in the 2000s, first to analysis of Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA), and then to the accident analysis as a whole, documented in Chapter 15 of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). The FSAR integrates both the licensing requirements and the analytical techniques. The licensing process of a nuclear power plant is motivated by the need to protect humans and the environment from ionizing radiation and, at the same time, sets out the basis for the design and determining the acceptability of the plant. The analytical techniques can be applied by using a realistic approach, addressing the uncertainties of the results. This work aims to show an overview of the main analytical techniques that can be applied with a Best Estimated Plus Uncertainty methodology, which is ‘the best one can do’, as well as the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle. Moreover, the paper intends to demonstrate the background of the licensing process through the main licensing requirements.
  • Tese IPEN-doc 25220
    Método para aplicação da metodologia Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) em um Relatório Final de Análise de Segurança (RFAS) de uma planta genérica
    O licenciamento de uma instalação nuclear é motivado pela necessidade de proteger os seres humanos e o meio ambiente das radiações ionizantes e, ao mesmo tempo, define as bases para a concepção e a determinação da aceitabilidade da planta. Uma parte importante no processo de licenciamento é a realização de uma análise de acidentes, a qual deve estar documentada no Relatório Final de Análise de Segurança (RFAS). Existem diferentes opções de cálculo na área de acidentes, combinando a utilização de códigos computacionais e dados de entrada, para fins de licenciamento. Uma delas é a Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU), que considera dados de entrada realistas e as incertezas associadas. As aplicações de abordagens BEPU em processos de licenciamento iniciaram-se nos anos 2000, primeiro para análise de Acidente de Perda de Refrigerante (Loss of Coolant Accident - LOCA), e depois para a análise de acidentes como um todo, documentados no Capítulo 15 do RFAS. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal demonstrar que é possível a aplicação da metodologia BEPU em todas as análises contidas no RFAS, identificando as disciplinas-chave do processo de licenciamento e os códigos computacionais utilizados. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em conjunto com a Universidade de Pisa, Itália, com a colaboração do Prof. Dr. Francesco D'Áuria. A principal motivação desse trabalho é o aprimoramento da metodologia BEPU para sua implementação em reatores do tipo PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor) no Brasil e no mundo, especialmente para fins de licenciamento, uma vez que as plantas nucleares brasileiras têm pouca experiência na área de cálculo de incertezas.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 24032
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 23878
    Análise de risco considerando acidentes em reatores nucleares e refinarias de petróleo
    Análises de risco consistem em importantes instrumentos para auxílio na tomada de decisão, principalmente relacionadas às escolhas energéticas e suas consequências ambientais. O objetivo do artigo é analisar o risco associado com a implantação e operação de uma instalação nuclear e comparar com o risco associado de outras fontes de energia, como o petróleo. Foi feita uma análise de risco baseada no número de reatores-ano e no número de acidentes que já ocorreram no mundo em usinas nucleares. O mesmo foi feito baseado no número de refinarias-ano e no número de acidentes que já ocorreram no mundo em refinarias de petróleo. Nossos resultados mostraram que o risco de acidente em uma usina nuclear no mundo é menor quando comparado com o risco associado à produção de petróleo. Acreditamos que a análise proposta pode influenciar os processos de tomada de decisão na área ambiental e contribuir para um futuro energético mais sustentável.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 23821
    BEPU-FSAR: a new paradigm in nuclear reactor safety
    To perform an entire FSAR based on BEPU (Best Estimated Plus Uncertainty), a homogenization of the analysis is proposed. The first step towards BEPU-FSAR requires identification and characterization of the FSAR parts where the numerical analyses are needed. The next step consists of creating a list of key technological areas where the relations between so-called key disciplines and the key topics are established. Considering the successful applications of BEPU methodology to the Chapter 15 of FSAR performed in the last two decades (Atucha II NPP, Angra 1 and 2), one can conclude that this methodology is feasible, which encourage to extended its range of use to the other technological areas of FSAR (e.g. seismology, radioprotection, etc.), and therefore to demonstrate the industrial worth and interest. The future step of this work will mainly be focused on the propagation of this expertise into the remaining technical areas of FSAR.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 23959
    Proposal for systematic application of BEPU in the licensing process of nuclear power plants
    In general, Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) methodology implies application of ‘realistic’ or the so-called ‘best estimate’ computational codes with uncertainty quantification to the thermal-hydraulic safety analyses of nuclear power plants within the licensing process. The results of such analyses are documented in Chapter 15 of Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). The objective of the present work is to discuss the possibility of adopting BEPU methodology to the entire FSAR, therefore extending its application range to the other chapters. To perform an entire FSAR based on BEPU, a homogenisation of the analysis is proposed. The first step towards BEPU-FSAR requires identification and characterisation of the parts where numerical analyses are needed (the so-called BEPU topics). The next step is to create a list of key technological areas, the so-called key disciplines and their related key topics and then an overview of the currently computational activities in each technological area. Based on the finalised BEPU applications one can conclude that this methodology is feasible, which encourages to extended its range of use to the other technological areas of FSAR, and therefore to demonstrate the industrial worth and interest. The future step of this work will mainly be focused on the propagation of this expertise into the remaining technical areas of FSAR, adding new knowledge and therefore creating coherent and rigorous background of the BEPU-FSAR methodology.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 22808
    Application of Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) methodology in a Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) of a generic plant
    The licensing process of a nuclear power plant is motivated by the need to protect humans and the environment from ionizing radiation and, at the same time, sets out the basis for the design and determining the acceptability of the plant. An important part of the licensing process is the realization of accident analysis related to the design basis, which should be documented in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). There are different options on accidents calculation area by combining the use of computer codes and data entry for licensing purposes. One is the Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU), which considers realistic input data and associated uncertainties. Applications of BEPU approaches in licensing procedures were initiated in the 2000s, first to analysis of Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA), and then to the accident analysis as a whole, documented in Chapter 15 of the FSAR. This work has as main objective the implementation of BEPU methodology in all analyses contained in FSAR, through the homogenization of the analytical techniques and identification of key disciplines and key topics in the licensing process.
  • Resumo IPEN-doc 22281
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 21352
    Proposal of a BEPU-FSAR
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 21097
    Using of BEPU methodology in a final safety analysis report