Evaluation of microwave technology in the additional purification of Mo-99, produced from LEU targets

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In the present work, the feasibility of the microwave technology was studied as an additional purification step (sublimation) in the production of Mo-99, via the alkaline dissolution of LEU (low enrichment uranium) targets of UAlx/Al, in the RMB (Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor) project, which is usually accomplished by induction furnace. The intention was to decrease the time spent in this purification step, for later comparison between the methods. Thus, non-radioactive samples of sodium molybdate (solution) and appropriate catalysts/materials (which could withstand up to 1300°C) were prepared and employed. All experiments were performed in a microwave oven scale (1000W/2.45GHz), under atmospheric pressure. Considering that the experiments with induction furnace lasted from 1.5h to 2h for the sublimation of oxide and molybdenum separation, the preliminary results, obtained in this study, demonstrated the time savings and the possibility of reaching temperatures up to 1200°C in less than 30 minutes. Therefore, the use of this technique is considered promising for this application, although other studies and specific devices are required.

Como referenciar
LANDINI, LILIANE; ARAUJO, SUMAIR G.; FORBICINI, CHRISTINA A.L.G.O. Evaluation of microwave technology in the additional purification of Mo-99, produced from LEU targets. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 2352-2357. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/30626. Acesso em: 10 May 2024.
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