The performance of a multi guard ring (MGR) diode for clinical electron beams dosimetry

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Applied Radiation and Isotopes
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The dosimetric response of a multi guard ring structure (MGR) diode has been studied with clinical electron beam energies from 5 MeV to 15 MeV. The results showed that the MGR dose response is linear in the range of 5–320 cGy and presents reproducibility with variation coefficients less than 0.4%. The field output factors measured with the MGR agreed within 2% with those measured with an ionization chamber. This study evidences that this diode can be used for clinical electron beam dosimetry.

Como referenciar
NASCIMENTO, C.R.; ASFORA, V.K.; GONCALVES, J.A.C.; KHOURY, H.J.; BARROS, V.S.M.; KALIL, L.F.; BUENO, C.C. The performance of a multi guard ring (MGR) diode for clinical electron beams dosimetry. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, v. 141, p. 112-117, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2018.07.002. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 May 2024.
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