Eddy current NDT: A developed technology for In-use spent fuel cladding examination of TRIGA and MTR reactors
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The development of reference calibration standards, special probes and evaluation
methodologies, usable for the examination of research and test reactors fuel cladding, by
means of the eddy current (EC) non-destructive test (NDT) has been conducted at CDTN and
IPEN nuclear research centres in Brazil, and are intended to be applied to TRIGA-MK I
reactors, such as IPR-R1 installed at CDTN and MTR reactors, such as IEA-R1 installed at
Since eddy current is a comparative evaluation NDT method [1], the development of
calibration reference standards is mandatory. For IPR-R1 reactor (Aluminium 1100F, 0.76
mm in thickness fuel cladding), a set of 22 reference standards was developed: 4 with
different thicknesses, 1 through wall hole, 4 surface flat bottom holes, 4 sub-surface flat
bottom holes, 1 through wall crack, 4 surface cracks and 4 sub-surface cracks. All reference
standards were assembled on the surface of a cylindrical core, reproducing the actual
dimensions and shape of the fuel [2].
For IEA-R1 reactor (Aluminium 6061, 0.38 mm in thickness fuel cladding), a set of 17
reference standards was prepared: 3 with different thicknesses, 1 through wall hole, 3 surface
flat bottom holes, 3 sub-surface flat bottom holes, 1 through wall crack, 3 surface cracks and 3
sub-surface cracks. To reproduce the actual characteristics found in a MTR element, each
Aluminium reference was placed very close (nominally 2.89 mm) to an adjacent flawless
Two probes were specially developed for IPR-R1 reactor fuel cladding inspection. Once there
is no access restriction to proceed the inspection, the probes have similarities to conventional
surface-type ones, but they have some special characteristics. They can operate underwater
and have the same curvature of the cladding surface in their sensitive contact area. This
feature is very helpful to reduce lift-off effects.
An experimental prototype probe was constructed at first, for IEA-Rl reactor fuel cladding
inspection, in order to demonstrate the functionality and response of the adopted approach in
overtaking known difficulties. Remarkable probe features are: high sensitivity for small
thickness measurements, high sensitivity for sub-surface flaws detection, good access
capacity, excellent immunity to adjacent elements influence and lift-off effects. Fig. 1 shows
the aspect of such prototype. As the preliminary operating responses obtained were good, two
optimised probes are being constructed at this time.
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D. A. Alencar et al.
Typical response signals, as they appear in the screen of the ECT MAD-8D computer assisted
test system [3] can be observed in Fig. 2. In such case, the signals represent different cladding
thicknesses, machined in the reference standards for cylindrical IPR-R1 fuel.
Como referenciar
ALENCAR, D.A.; MATTAR NETO, M.; SILVA JUNIOR, S.F. Eddy current NDT: A developed technology for In-use spent fuel cladding examination of TRIGA and MTR reactors. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH REACTOR UTILIZATION, SAFETY, DECOMMISSIONING FUEL AND WASTE MANAGEMENT, 2003, Santiago, Chile. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/15420. Acesso em: 19 Feb 2025.
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