Complex shaped ceramic composites by machining compact polymer-filter mixture
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Research into the preparation of ceramics from polymeric precursors is giving rise to a great
interest in ceramic technology because it allows the use of several attractive polymer forming
techniques. In this work ceramic composites pieces were obtained by pyrolysis of compacted
mixture of"a polissiloxane resin and alumina/ silicon powder. The mixture consists of 60 vol% of
the polymer and 40 vol% of the filler in a ratio of 1:1" for alumina/silicon, which was thermally
pressed to crosslinking the polymer, thus forming a compact body. This green body was trimmed
into different geometries and pyrolised in nitrogem atmosphere at temperatures up to 1600 'C. X
ray analysis showed crystalline phases such as mullite and Si2ON2 resulting from the reaction
during pyrolysis. The porosity was found to be lower than 20% and the mass loss around 10%. The
complex geometry was mantained after pyrolysis and shrinkage was aproximatelly 8%, proving to
be an atractive process to form near-net-shape bulk ceramic components.
Como referenciar
ROCHA, R.M.; GREIL, P.; BRESSIANI, J.C.; BRESSIANI, A.H.A. Complex shaped ceramic composites by machining compact polymer-filter mixture. In: INTERNATIONAL LATIN-AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 4th, Nov. 19-21, 2003, Guaruja, SP. Proceedings... Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 Feb 2025.
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