Development of porous composite membrane of PLLA/PEG/HA for tissue engineering
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Composites membranes of poly(lactic acid)/poly(ethylene glycol)/hydroxyapatite (PLLA/PEG/HA), presenting
uniform porosity distribution and characteristics appropriate for guided bone regeneration (GBR), were prepared in this
work. The appropriate combination among polymer components (PLLA:PEG-1000, 2:3) and a biocompatible
reinforcing ceramic filler (HA, 20 wt%), resulted in the development of composite devices presenting new mechanical
and biological characteristics, ideal for bone matrix substitution, which allows cell growth. The membranes were
prepared with a uniform porous (4 m) structure suitable for cells penetration, anchorage, differentiation and
proliferation. The homogeneous porosity in membranes was achieved by self-organization during solvent evaporation
process, due to phase-separated structure of the composites. The in vitro culture of osteoblasts on PLLA/PEG/HA
membranes indicated good biocompatibility.
Como referenciar
ROJAS CABRERA, W.I.; DRUMOND, WALKER S.; WANG, SHU H.; MIYAGI, SUELY; MARQUES, MARCIA M.; LAGANA, DALVA C.; BRESSIANI, ANA H.; RIBEIRO, CHRISTIANE. Development of porous composite membrane of PLLA/PEG/HA for tissue engineering. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MACROMOLECULES, 41st, July 16-21, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Proceedings... Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 Feb 2025.
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