Estimation of the radiation effective dose for workers in sup(99m)Tc generator production

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In the attempt of a quality life improvement, the use of the nuclear technology is increasing everywhere, fact observed in the increasing use of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals in nuclear medicine diagnosis and therapy. In the radiopharmaceutical facility of “Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, IPEN,” the productions have had an increase of about 10% per year since the decade of 80. Actually about 20 radiopharmaceuticals are produced and in 2007 approximately 43441 bulks had been distributed that totalized an activity of 723.16 TBq. The main radioisotope produced is the metastable technetium (99mTc) generated from the molybdenum (99Mo) in a portable generating system. This radioisotope has contributed with 88.54% of the activity produced in 2007 and is important in the nuclear medicine diagnosis because the little gamma rays energy present a small dose to be detectable by external detector. The relatively short physical and effective halflife, become it easy to be transported and can obtained at relatively low price. The 99mTc generator is produced weekly. Initially the 99Mo is received and inserted in processing cells, after that it is chemical processed, divided and placed in columns. After these the columns containing the 99Mo are inserted in lead containers and these are placed in packages for delivery. The assembly procedures for 99mTc generator are the major source of radiation exposure to Radiopharmaceutical Facility personnel. This paper has the purpose to analyze the effective doses of workers in the phases of production of 99mTc generators. Will be presented the annual effective doses of workers involved with the facility. The obtained results provide valuable information about radiation protection.

Como referenciar
FONSECA, LIZANDRA P.S.; GERULIS, EDUARDO; SANCHES, MATIAS P.; SORDI, GIAN M.A.A. Estimation of the radiation effective dose for workers in sup(99m)Tc generator production. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL RADIATION PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, October 19-24, 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceedings... Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 Feb 2025.
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