An integral metallic-fueled and lead-cooled reactor concept for the 4th generation reactor
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An Integral Lead Reactor (ILR) concept is proposed for the 4th generation reactor to be used in the
future. The ILR is loaded with metallic fuel and cooled by lead. It was evaluated in the 300-1500
MWe power range with the Japanese Fast Set 2 cross sections library. This set was tested against
several fast benchmarks and the criticality uncertainty was found to be 0.51 % Ak. The reactor is
started with U-Zr and changes to the U-TRU-Zr-RE fuel in a stepwise way. In the equilibrium
cycle, the burnup reactivity is less than peff for a core of the order of 300 MWe, pin diameter of
10.4 mm and a pin-pitch to diameter ratio of 1.308. The lead void reactivity is negative for reactor
power less than 750 MWe. There is a need to improve the nuclear data for the major actinides.
Como referenciar
SANTOS, A.; NASCIMENTO, J.A. An integral metallic-fueled and lead-cooled reactor concept for the 4th generation reactor. In: TECHNICAL MEETING TO, Apr. 22-26, 2002, Karlsruhe, Germany. Working Material... p. 59-68. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 Feb 2025.
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