Technology Park of Sao Paulo - building up a model to metropolitan regions of Sao Paulo State
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This paper is based on actions that have been developed by the authors to
contribute to the public policies of the S&T and Economic Development Bureau of sac)
Paulo State (SCTDE), to face the regional impacts and challenges of the new conditions
due to the globalization of markets. The SCTDE Bureau concentrates the efforts on the
following matters: to create new conditions to social and economic development of sao
Paulo State; to stimulate the local innovation system in middle and highly population
density regions of sac) Paulo (focalizing the metropolitan regions of Sao Paulo state); to
stimulate and attract new businesses, opening up the academic institutions and
research centers to regional society.
To answer these challenges it has been considered the development of an
institutional structure to optimize the university or research center/business co-operation
— the model of a Technology Park. This model will be applied to the são Paulo
Technology Park, taking advantage of the structure of the University of Sao Paulo (USP)
and other Research Centers (as IPEN and IPT) established in the campus.
Como referenciar
ZOUAIN, D.M.; PLONSKI, G.A. Technology Park of Sao Paulo - building up a model to metropolitan regions of Sao Paulo State. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY, 11th, Mar. 10-14, 2002, Miami, FL, USA. Proceedings... Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 Feb 2025.
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