Detection of irradiated fresh fruits treated by e-beam or gamma rays

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Since about 1990, the amount of commercially irradiated food products available worldwide has increased. Commercial irradiation of foods has been allowed in Brazil since 1973 and now more than 20 different food products are approved. Amongthese products are a number of fresh fruits which may be irradiated for insect disinfestation, to delay ripeningand to extend shelf-life. Today, there is a growinginterest to apply radiation for the treatment of fruits instead of using fumigation or e.g. vapour-heat treatments, and an increased international trade in irradiated fruits is expected. To ensure free consumer choice, methods to identify irradiated foods are highly desirable. In this work, three detection methods for irradiated fruits have been employed: DNA Comet Assay, the half-embryo test and ESR. Both electron-beam (e-beam) and gamma rays were applied in order to compare the response with these two different kinds of radiation. Fresh fruits such as oranges, lemons, apples, watermelons and tomatoes were irradiated with doses in the range 0, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 kGy. For analysis, the seeds of the fruits were utilized. Both DNA Comet Assay and the half-embryo test enabled an easy identification of the radiation treatment. However, under our conditions, ESR measurements were not satisfactory.

Como referenciar
MARIN HUACHACA, N.S.; FREUND, M.T.L.; MANCINI FILHO, J.; DELINCEE, H.; VILLAVICENCIO, A.L.C.H. Detection of irradiated fresh fruits treated by e-beam or gamma rays. In: SADAT, T. (ed.); EHLERMANN, D. (ed.); MILLER, A. (ed.). In: INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON RADIATION PROCESSING, 12th, Mar. 25-30, 2001, Avignon, France. Proceedings... p. 419-422. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 Feb 2025.
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