Investigation of hyperfine interactions in CeInsub(3) by TDPAC
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Magnetic hyperfine fields (mhf) at 111Cd and 140Ce nuclei, dilutely substituting the In and
Ce sites, respectively, have been measured in the intermetallic compound CeIn3 using perturbed angular correlation technique. A pure electric quadrupole interaction with an axially symmetric electric
field gradient was observed at 111In(EC) 111Cd probe nuclei at room temperature while a combined
magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole interaction is observed below 10 K. Below the ordering
temperature, only a magnetic interaction is observed at 140La(β−) 140Ce probe. The values of mhf
measured experimentally as a function of temperature are discussed in terms of critical behavior.
Como referenciar
CARBONARI, A.W.; MESTNIK FILHO, J.; SAXENA, R.N.; SAITOVITCH, H. Investigation of hyperfine interactions in CeInsub(3) by TDPAC. In: GUIMARAES, A.P. (ed.); OLIVEIRA, I.S. (ed.). In: NUCLEAR METHODS IN MAGNETISM, Aug. 2-4, 2000, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Proceedings... p. 77-81. DOI: 10.1023/A:1012205300493. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 Feb 2025.
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