Nuclear technology in secondary in the city of Sao Paulo
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Nowadays, much has been said about nuclear technology development in Brazil. The importance of introducing
the nuclear energy in the Brazilian energetic matrix has been now recognized by the society. There is a highly
accepted assertion about the role developed by the energy offer for the country development, although it is wellknown that this is a necessary condition, but not enough. Another major issue is the environment preservation,
so that future generations may live in adequate climatic and environmental conditions. Industrial activities and
mining are some of the issues debated in the world scenario. Therefore the option to introduce nuclear energy in
the country energetic matrix is a decision that should be supported by its knowledge. Nevertheless, do the youth
know what nuclear energy is? What this kind of technology applications and implications are? To answer these
questions, this project aims to analyze to what extent secondary schools are aware of nuclear technology and its
applications, to verify whether there are the minimal necessary conditions for their interpretation and
comprehension of related phenomena, as well as to analyze whether these students are able to critically opine on
this subject. The methodology consists in using, as a data collection tool, a questionnaire applied to the students.
For this purpose, the research field is constituted of the 3P
P year secondary school students, from public state
schools, in the city of São Paulo. The data survey was restricted to schools belonging to three levels of
classification, in the National Examination of Secondary Schools 2007. The questions proposed in the
questionnaire were elaborated in considering what students, according to their age, were supposed to know
concerning nuclear technology having as reference the “Leis de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional”
(National Education Guidance Law), the “Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais” (National Curricula Parameters)
and basic nuclear physics concepts. The questionnaires also present questions, such as age, family income and
number of persons, among others, which will enable a social-economic profile analysis of the subject. After
collecting the questionnaires, a lecture is given to the students. This lecture is an introduction to some basic
nuclear technology concepts and its applications. In the sequence, the students are asked to answer, once more,
to the same questions previously proposed and to participate in a discussion, focusing on the lecture content,
allowing them to expose their questions and ideas. The results from the two questionnaires are analyzed using
basic statistical techniques, aiming to map the educational scenario in the physics field, in the city of São Paulo.
In addition, it is also the subject to find out if the minimal necessary tools for the comprehension of the proposed
issues are offered. The secondary school students need, as future opinion-holders of this country, and
representing an expressive share of those who will elect society representatives, to have well-known fundaments
of our society challenges. The proposed work still enables to verify if the Education Ministry guidance has, at
the moment, conditions to be applied to the city of São Paulo public schools, since the subject considered is part
of a proposal by this Ministry. The questionnaire has already been applied to 6 classes for a sampling in a public
school located in Itaquaquecetuba (SP). In this first evaluation, 84% of the students were observed not to have a
partial view of nuclear energy beneficial applications. The nuclear theme was verified not to be approached in
São Paulo city secondary school. It is important, especially at this moment when nuclear field is being
considered as one of the electric energy sources in the country, that this void be analyzed.
Como referenciar
BENITES, DANIELA B.; GORDON, ANA M.P.L. Nuclear technology in secondary in the city of Sao Paulo. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE; MEETING ON NUCLEAR APPLICATIONS, 9th; MEETING ON REACTOR PHYSICS AND THERMAL HYDRAULICS, 16th; MEETING ON NUCLEAR INDUSTRY, 1st, September 27 - October 2, 2009, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Proceedings... Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 Feb 2025.
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