Fatigue test plan to obtain S-N curves
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S-N curves of structural materials are obtained tIvough
fatigue tests. These tests are often performed using five
different stress levels, with fifteen test specimens for each
stress level. This kind of test plan provides estimates that are
less precise compared to other experimental plans, for example,
the ones called optimum plan or compromise plan. The main
reason for this drawback is the use of the same number of
specimens for all stress levels. It has been observed that less
precise results are obtained for lower stress levels because
failure occurs less frequently. That is why more specimens
should be used for lower stress levels as compared to higher
stress levels. As long as the number of specimens to be tested at
low stress levels is increased, the total number of failures will
also increase, which allows one to develop a more precise data
The objective of this work is to present an alternative
experimental plan to obtain S-N curves, which intends to
provide accurate estimators. A practical application is done for
planning a fatigue test, in a flex-rotating machine, to obtain the
S-N curve of SAE 8620 steel.
Como referenciar
PINTO, J.M.A.; COLOSIMO, E.A.; MANSUR, T.R.; CRUZ, J.R.B.; PALMA, E.S.; MATTAR NETO, M. Fatigue test plan to obtain S-N curves. In: BRUST, F.W. (ed.); NISHIOKA, T. (ed.). In: 2002 ASME PRESSURE VESSELS AND PIPING CONFERENCE, Aug. 4-8, 2002, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Proceedings... p. 201-204. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/16930. Acesso em: 19 Feb 2025.
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