A computer code to calculate then fast induced signals by electron swarms in gases
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To aid the data analysis of pulsed Townsend experiments, a special code has been
developed to calculate the induced pulse by solving the electron continuity equation including
growth, drift and diffusion. A realistic profile of the initial laser beam is taken into account as
well as the boundary conditions at the cathode and the anode. The approach is either semi-analytic,
based on the expression derived by P.H. Purdie and J. Fletcher, or fully numerical, using a finitedifference scheme introduced by J. de Urquijo et al. A new improved scheme is also proposed and
compared with the other two methods under typical experimental conditions. A brief discussion
on the stability of the numerical procedures is given. The new finite-difference scheme allows a
detailed investigation of the importance of back diffusion to the cathode, a subject seldom tackled
in the past.
Como referenciar
MANGIAROTTI, A.; BUENO, C.C. A computer code to calculate then fast induced signals by electron swarms in gases. In: VANIN, VITO R. (ed.). In: BRAZILIAN WORKSHOP ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, 32rd, September 7-11, 2010, Campos do Jordão, SP. Proceedings... p. 189-194. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/18038. Acesso em: 19 Feb 2025.
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