Influence of reactive radicals OH and Esup(-)sub(AQ) in irradiation of protein in aqueous solutions
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Gamma irradiation of aqueous proteins solutions promotes structural modifications. This is mainly caused by
OH •
and eaq activity, reactive species produced by water radiolys. The objective of this study was to investigate
the role of OH •
and eaq in conformation changes observed in proteins irradiated in aqueous solutions.
Substances that react specifically with OH •
or eaq producing stable products were used in order to study each
reactive species’ function: nitrate for eaq and t-butilic alcohol for OH •
Crotamine was used as test peptide. It is composed of 42 aminoacids, which are strongly reticulated by three
disulfide bonds. This confers it a very compact conformation leading to high temperatures resistance. Crotamine
also has a biological effect: mice hind limb distention.
Samples of crotamine in aqueous solution were irradiated in order to analyze the activity of OH •
and eaq. Some
contemned t-butilic alcohol and others, sodium nitrate; the results were compared to control samples with no
neutralizing substances. To verify possible protein conformation change due to sodium nitrate or t-butilic
alcohol addition, samples with different concentrations of these substances were prepared, kept without
irradiation and their results were compared to only protein solution. Samples were also submitted to a biological
Samples were submitted to SDS-PAGE, which did not show any alteration in those samples with t-butilic
alcohol or sodium nitrate. In addition, the samples had their absorbance spectrum of 200 nm to 360 nm scanned
which showed less conformation change in irradiated with t-butilic then only protein one. Irradiated samples had
less biological effect than non-irradiated ones.
Como referenciar
BACETI, A.A.; CESARE, M.; SPENCER, P.J.; NASCIMENTO, N. Influence of reactive radicals OH and Esup(-)sub(AQ) in irradiation of protein in aqueous solutions. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE; ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE APLICACOES NUCLEARES, 7th, ago. 28 - set. 2, 2005, Santos, SP. Anais... Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 Mar 2025.
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