The use of magnetic barkhausen noise analysis for mechanical stresses evaluation

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During its operational life, structural components are submitted to the influence of different failure-inducing agents, such as temperature and reactive environment. The combined action of these agents allied to the presence of residual stresses and applied stresses have a great influence on the components life and in-service behavior. Important information used for structural integrity evaluation of a particular component is the real stress state present in it. The possibility to determine the value of the stresses acting in the component by means of a nondestructive testing method presents an important feature because it does not introduce any changes into the material tested. The electromagnetic testing method based on the Barkhausen noise analysis presents advantages such as the possibility to perform stress measurements at high temperatures. This paper presents a study about the use of the Barkhausen noise analysis as a non-destructive testing method for determining the stress state in ferromagnetic materials. The experiments were carried out in ASTM A-515, ASTM A-36 and USI SAC 50 steels, used for pressure vessels and structural components manufacturing. The results obtained have showed a good sensitivity of this test method to stress changes. The main restrictions and applications of this testing method are discussed.

Como referenciar
SILVA JUNIOR, S.F.; MATTAR NETO, M. The use of magnetic barkhausen noise analysis for mechanical stresses evaluation. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 18th, November 6-11, 2005, Ouro Preto, MG. Proceedings... Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 Feb 2025.
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