Ceramic bonding to biocompatible titanium alloys obtained by powder metallurgy

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The shear bond strength between a ceramic material (Titankeramik®, Vita Zahnfabrik, Germany) and two biocompatible titanium alloys was investigated. Ti-13%Nb-13%Zr (TNZ) and Ti-35%Nb-7%Zr-5%Ta (TNZT) alloys were obtained based on the blended elemental technique followed by a sequence of cold uniaxial and isostatic pressing and sintering. Characterization involved microstructural analysis (SEM) and crystalline phase identification (XRD). Subsequently, samples were machined to 4 x 4 mm with a base of 5 x 1 mm. The base metals were blasted with Al2O3 particles followed by the application of a coupling agent and opaque ceramic. After ceramic firing, the specimens were loaded in a universal testing machine (0,5mm/min). XRD revealed the presence of α and β-phases for TNZ, and peaks related to β phases and Nb and Ta for the TNZT alloy. SEM evaluation (TNZ) depicted remaining pores and biphasic microstructure formation. SEM micrographs of the TNZT alloy revealed good densification and a homogeneous β structure. Shear bond strength data (MPa) were statistically analyzed (one-way ANOVA and Tukey test, α=.05) revealing that TNZT (37.6 ± 2.91) presented significant higher values (p=0.0002) compared to TNZ (26.03 ± 2.92). In conclusion, it seems that Ti alloy composition play a significant role on ceramic bonding.

Como referenciar
BOTTINO, M.C.; OYAFUSO, D.K.; COELHO, P.G.; TADDEI, E.B.; HENRIQUES, V.A.R.; SILVA, C.R.M.; BOTTINO, M.A.; BRESSIANI, A.H.A.; BRESSIANI, J.C. Ceramic bonding to biocompatible titanium alloys obtained by powder metallurgy. In: INTERNATIONAL LATIN-AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 5th, Oct. 26-29, 2005, Costa do Sauipe, BA. Proceedings... Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/18361. Acesso em: 15 Mar 2025.
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