Estudo da viabilidade do processamento pelo método ascendente de diferentes polipropilenos modificados
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In the manufacture of tubular films by ascendant method the melt polymer is submitted to strain and elongational flow in
the end of matrix. In this process the material must present high values of melt strength to support high shear stress to
avoid film rupture. The isotactic polypropylene (iPP) due to the structural characteristics has low melt strength that does
not allow this kind of process since the film breaches during stretching. The change in the elongational viscosity of iPP by
incorporation of long chain branching or crosslinking improves its performance in this type of process.
The aim of this work was to study the viability to production of tubular films by ascendant for different modified
Como referenciar
SANTOS, SIVELTON G.; OTAGURO, HARUMI; LIMA, LUIS F.C.P.; SHINZATO, RODRIGO; LUGAO, ADEMAR B.; FERREIRA, ANA C.B.; NUNES, EDILENE C.D. Estudo da viabilidade do processamento pelo metodo ascendente de diferentes polipropilenos modificados. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE POLIMEROS, 9o., 07-11 de outubro, 2007, Campina Grande, PB. Anais... Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 Feb 2025.
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