Evaluation of toxic and mutagenic potential of water samples of Tietê river (Suzano, SP, Brazil) in Biomphalaria glabrata (SAY, 1818)
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A wide range of industrial and domestic wastes are discharged in the River Tieté in the region of Suzano and the
biological treatment of effluents is carried out by Wastewater Treatment Plant of SABESP (WWTP Suzano). The
samples were collected and transported by SABESP (Companhia de Sancamento Bésico do Estado de Sio Paulo). The
following points were chosen: PO - Ponte Nova Dam, P1 — 200 meters upstream to the plant-, P2— the affluent of
plant, P3 — the effluent treated by plant before discharge in the river and P4 — 200 meters from the discharge in the
river—The samples were evaluated by analyzing acute toxicity and dominant lethal test was performed for detection of
germ cell mutations in freshwater snails Biomphalaria glabrata. Acute toxicity assays were conducted in adult specimens
and embryo at blastulae, gastrulae, trocophore and veliger stages. Four sampling were performed. In samples at august
2006 and august 2008, the station affluent was toxic for embryos and adults. The results were similar, with LC50
values; 43,04%, 41,56%, 57,16% and 60,06% for embryos at blastulae, gastrulae, trocophore and veliger stages
respectively and 100% for adult snails in first sample and 48,24%, 43,71%, 55,43% and 62,64% for embryos at
blastulae, gastrulae, trocophore and veliger stages respectively and 84,16% for adult snails in august 2008. Sampling
at february 2007 was toxic only for adult snails, with a LC,, value of 41,25% and sampling at february 2008 was not
toxic for adults and embryos. In all samplings, after discharge into the river, treated effluents were not toxic for B.
glabrata adults and embryos. There was no mutagenicity in all samples. In these study, the potential impact of effluent
discharge to the biota of Tieté River was showed. These results show the importance of the WWTP biological treatment
of effluents in reducing acute toxicity.
Como referenciar
TALLARICO, LENITA de F.; GRAZEFFE, VANESSA S.; OKAZAKI, KAYO; OHLWEILER, FERNANDA P.; KAWANO, TOSHIE; PEREIRA, CARLOS A. de B.; NAKANO, ELIANA. Evaluation of toxic and mutagenic potential of water samples of Tietê river (Suzano, SP, Brazil) in Biomphalaria glabrata (SAY, 1818). In: CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE MALACOLOGIA, 7., 3-7 de noviembre, 2008, Valdivia, Chile. Resumen... p. 57. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/22348. Acesso em: 22 Mar 2025.
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