Lidar measurements of troposheric aerosol and water vapor profiles during the winter season compaigns over the metropolitan area of São Paulo - Brazil
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The so-called Metropolitan Area of S˜ao Paulo, one of the largest megacities in the world, faces several problems
related to the air quality due the high concentrations of aerosols produced either by local sources or by long-range
transporting. Concerned with the elevated concentrations of aerosol and their impact in the air quality and the
climate changes inside MASP, a measurement campaign were conducted during the South hemisphere winter of
2012, when the low temperatures and the low level of precipitation contribute to the poor dispersion of aerosols.
A Raman Lidar system and air quality monitoring stations from University of S˜ao Paulo and Environment
Agency of S˜ao Paulo State (CETESB) were employed in order to monitor the increasing of aerosol load in the
atmosphere. Satellite data, in synergy with HYSPLIT air masses backward trajectories, were applied to track the
aerosol from the long-range distanced regions to Metropolitan Area of S˜ao Paulo. In the beginning of September
2012, MASP experienced episodes of high air pollution concentration, reaching Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD)
values up to 0.89 at 550 nm and particulate matter concentration up to 293 µg/cm3
. Particle lidar ratio values
of 60 to 70 sr retrieved by a Raman Lidar system at 532 nm provided information of the aerosol type, helping to
determine the influence of biomass burning advected from large range distance to megacities such as S˜ao Paulo.
Como referenciar
LOPES, FABIO J.S.; MOREIRA, GREGORI A.; RODRIGUES, PATRICIA F.; GUERRERO RASCADO, JUAN L.; ANDRADE, MARIA F.; LANDULFO, EDUARDO. Lidar measurements of troposheric aerosol and water vapor profiles during the winter season compaigns over the metropolitan area of São Paulo - Brazil. In: SINGH, UPENDRA N. (ed.); PAPPALARDO, GELSOMINA (ed.). In: LIDAR TECHNOLOGIES, TECHNIQUES AND MEASUREMENTS FOR ATMOSPHERIC REMOTE SENSING, 10th, September 22, 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Proceedings... p. 92460H-1 - 92460H-14. (SPIE Proceedings Series, 9246). DOI: 10.1117/12.2067374. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 Mar 2025.
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