Analysis of UO2-BEO fuel under transient using fuel performance code
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Recent research has appointed the need to replace the classic fuel concept, used in light water reactors. Uranium dioxide has a weak point due to the low thermal conductivity, that produce high temperatures on the fuel. The ceramic composite fuel formed of uranium dioxide (UO2), with the addition of beryllium oxide (BeO), presents high thermal conductivity compared with UO2. The oxidation of zirconium generates hydrogen gas that can create a detonation condition. One of the preferred options are the ferritic alloys formed of iron-chromium and aluminum (FeCrAl), that should avoid the hydrogen release due to oxidation. In general, the FeCrAl alloys containing 10–20Cr, 3–5Al, and 0–0.12Y in weight percent. The FeCrAl alloys should exhibit a slow oxidation kinetics due to chemical composition. Resistance to oxidation in the presence of steam is improved as a function of the content of chromium and aluminum. In this way, the thermal and mechanical properties of the UO2-BeO-10%vol, composite fuel were coupled with FeCrAl alloys and added to the fuel codes. In this work, we examine the fuel rod behavior of UO2-10%vol-BeO/FeCrAl, including a simulated transient of reactivity. The fuels behavior shown reduced temperature with UO2-BeO/Zr, UO2-BeO/FeCrAl also were compared with UO2/Zr system. The case reactivity initiated accident analyzed, reproducing the fuel rod called VA-1 using UO2/Zr alloys and compared with UO2-BeO/FeCrAl.
Como referenciar
GOMES, DANIEL S.; ABE, ALFREDO Y.; MUNIZ, RAFAEL O.R.; GIOVEDI, CLAUDIA. Analysis of UO2-BEO fuel under transient using fuel performance code. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 22-27, 2017, Belo Horizonte, MG. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 Mar 2025.
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