Control system and automation of the spectrum acquisition for a perturbed gamma-gamma angular correlation spectrometer

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This work reports results from the automation of data acquisition for a gamma-gamma perturbed angular correlation (PAC) spectrometer located in the hyperfine interactions laboratory (LIH) of IPEN. A PAC spectrometer comprises usually four scintillation detectors (BaF3 for example) and carries out time measurements from gamma rays of any two combinations of detectors in coincidence. Gamma rays come from the decay of probe nuclei embedded into the material to be studied. Measurements are generally performed as a function of temperature. The fourth-detectors PAC spectrometer was automated in Java language because it is a multiplatform and object oriented programming language, having, therefore, portability and longer lifetime due to the ease of implementation of peripherals. Finally, the software has a friendly and intuitive interface with the user being able to operate the hardware manually or automatically with time acquisitions up to 100 consecutive hours. Before each acquisition, the software sets the temperature, waits for temperature stability and records data in different files. Moreover, the software also saves in a file all information of relevant parameters during acquisition.

Como referenciar
STACHOWSKI, ADEMIR F.A.; LAPOLLI, ANDRE L.; CARBONARI, ARTUR W.; SAXENA, RAJENDRA N. Control system and automation of the spectrum acquisition for a perturbed gamma-gamma angular correlation spectrometer. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 22-27, 2017, Belo Horizonte, MG. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 Mar 2025.
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