Use of 2-color flow cytometry to assess radiationinduced geotoxic damage on cho-ki cells

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The micronucleus assay is an important technique used to evaluate genotoxic damage of chemical or physical agents (as ionizing radiations) on cells, based on quantification of cells bearing micronuclei, which are fragments derived from damage (breakage) of the DNA. Currently, this technique was updated to an automated approach that relies on plasma membrane dissolution to analyze fluorescent dye-labelled nuclei and micronuclei by flow cytometry. Cell suspensions were irradiated in PBS by a ⁶⁰Co source in doses between 0 and 16Gy, and incubated by 48h. Cell membranes were lysed in the presence of SYTOX Green and EMA dyes, so EMA-stained nuclei could be discriminated as from dead cells, and nuclei and micronuclei could be quantified. Amounts of micronuclei (percent of events) in the samples, were found to be proportional to radiation doses, and could be fitted to a linear-quadratic model (R² = 0.993). Only higher doses (8 and 16Gy) and positive control could induce relevant increases in micronucleus amounts. The incorporation EMA showed an increase in irradiated cells. Midto high doses (4, 8 and 16Gy) induced reduction of cell proliferation. Experiments showed the suitability of the technique to replace traditional microscopy analysis in evaluation of the effects of ionizing radiations on cells, with possibility to use in biological dosimetry.

Como referenciar
CARVALHO, LUMA R. de; BONFIM, LETICIA; VIEIRA, DANIEL P. Use of 2-color flow cytometry to assess radiationinduced geotoxic damage on cho-ki cells. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 22-27, 2017, Belo Horizonte, MG. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 May 2024.
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