Density comparison of 3D printing materials and the human body

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Introduction: Phantoms are commonly used for teaching and radiation dosimetry as a simulator of the human body in order that no individual be exposed to radiation during training and research. Some are the properties that can be used as a measurement parameter in a phantom: density, energy compatibility, attenuation and scattering of the radiation, anthropomorphism, among others. 3D printing has revolutionized many areas of knowledge, including those that make use of radiations. In this context, this study aims to evaluate the density of various materials applied in 3D printing and compare found values with human body density in ICRP 110. Methods: Cubes with 2cm edges were printed on 12materials of different compositions with internal filling of 60 %, 80% and 100%, weighed on a precision balance and measured with a caliper. Results: The densities found ranged from 0,575 g/cm³ to 2,624 g/cm³ for 60% infill, 0,686 g/cm³ to 3,091 g/cm³ for 80% and 0,794 g/cm³ to 3,572 g/cm³ for 100%. Densities related to teeth, bones, muscles, fat, among others, could be created from specific infill variations. Conclusion: All analyzed materials have the capacity to mimic the structures described in ICRP 110 when the percentage of filling are varied. However, even achieving human tissue density the materials may be not adequate for attenuation and require further experiments.

Como referenciar
SAVI, M.; POTIENS, M.P.A.; SILVEIRA, L.C.; CECHINEL, C.M.; SOARES, F.A.P. Density comparison of 3D printing materials and the human body. In: INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE RADIO 2017, September 24-29, 2017, Goiânia, GO. Proceedings... Maringá, PR: Sociedade Brasileira de Proteção Radiológica, 2017. p. 1-3. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 Feb 2025.
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