Immobilization of graphene oxide in a poly(divinylbenzene) matrix for the treatment of liquid radioactive waste containing 137Cs
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Cesium is one of the fission products of major radiological concern, it is often
found in nuclear radioactive waste generated at nuclear power plants. Several methods are
used to treat radioactive aqueous waste, especially adsorption, which is a technique that
combines cost and efficiency and is widely used in preconcentration of radionuclides.
Graphene Oxide (GO) has attracted great attention due to its functionalized surface, which
includes hydroxyl, epoxy, carbonyl and carboxyl groups, with great capacity of
complexation of metal ions and it can be used as adsorbent to remove cesium from
radioactive liquid wastes.This work, GO was immobilized in poly(divinylbenzene) to
increase the specific mass and grain size of the adsorbent, that can be easily remove from
solution by vaccum filtration or being used in a fixed bed column. The incorporation of the
GO on the polymer surface was confirmed by electron scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) Figure 1.
Como referenciar
OLIVEIRA, FERNANDO M.; POTIENS JUNIOR, ADEMAR J.; FEJFAR, JOSE L.; RODRIGUES, DEBORA F.; DI VITTA, PATRICIA B.; SAKATA, SOLANGE K. Immobilization of graphene oxide in a poly(divinylbenzene) matrix for the treatment of liquid radioactive waste containing 137Cs. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 Feb 2025.
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