Core-shell (TiO2@Silica) nanoparticles for random lasers
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Scattering media are of great current interest, due to their potential applications in photovoltaic cells, efficient
photocatalyzers, random lasers and novel optical functional devices. Here, we have introduced a core–shell scattering
medium for random lasing composed by core-shell nanoparticles (TiO2@Silica) suspended in an ethanol solution of
Rhodamine 6G. Higher efficiency, lower laser threshold and long photobleaching lifetime were demonstrated in random
laser. A promising method called fraction of absorbed pumping (FAP) has been introduced, which opens a new avenue
to characterize and study scattering media. In this article, we also investigate the random laser action at the critical
regime of localization by increasing considerably the concentration of TiO2@Silica nanoparticles. Narrow peaks arising
in the random laser emission spectrum are observed. The classical superfluorescence band of the random laser was
measured separately by collecting the emission at the back of the samples, showing a linear dependence with pumping
fluence without gain depletion. However, frontal collection showed the saturation of emission and absorption. The
emission spectrum of the peak mode (localized modes) shows approximately equal intensity, indicating suppression of
the interaction between the peaks modes. The linewidth of these peaks is lower than that of the passive modes of the
scattering medium, which was attributed to an anomalous nonlinear increase of the refractive index by localization.
Como referenciar
JIMENEZ-VILLAR, E.; MESTRE, VALDECI; WETTER, N.U.; SA, GILBERTO F. de. Core-shell (TiO2@Silica) nanoparticles for random lasers. In: GALVEZ, ENRIQUE J. (ed.); ANDREWS, DAVID L. (ed.); GLUCKSTAD, JESPER (ed.). In: COMPLEX LIGHT AND OPTICAL FORCES, 12th, January 27 - February 01, 2018, San Francisco, California, USA. Proceedings... Bellingham, WA, USA: Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2018. p. 105490D-1 - 105490D-1. (SPIE Proceedings Series, 10549). DOI: 10.1117/12.2289228. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 Feb 2025.
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