One-way fluid-structure interaction model to study the influence of the fluid velocity and coolant channel thickness on the stability of nuclear fuel plates+
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In nuclear research reactors, the fuel elements are frequently composed of parallel, flat or curved plates. A major problem of that fuel element configuration is the hydraulic instability of the plates caused by high coolant velocities. Thin plates contain the fuel and they are separated by narrow channels through which the coolant flows to remove the heat generated. In this study, a numerical analysis was conducted to examine the fluid-structure interaction of a flat fuel plate bounded by two coolant channels. The loads caused by the fluid flow are calculated using a Computational Fluid Dynamics model implemented in ANSYS CFX, and the plate structural responses are determined using a Finite Element Analysis model implemented in ANSYS Mechanical. The goal of the present work is to estimate the amount of deformation of a fuel plate when there is an increment of the fluid velocity and a variation in the thickness of the coolant channels.
Como referenciar
MANTECON, JAVIER G.; MATTAR NETO, MIGUEL. One-way fluid-structure interaction model to study the influence of the fluid velocity and coolant channel thickness on the stability of nuclear fuel plates+. In: ABCM INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 24th, December 3-8, 2017, Curitiba, PR. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 Feb 2025.
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