In situ hydration of sulfoaluminate cement mixtures monitored by synchrotron X-Ray diffraction
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Materials Science Forum
Mixtures of calcium sulfoaluminate and Portland clinkers with gypsum were hydrated
with deionized water. The pastes were introduced in 0.7 mm borosilicate capillary tubes and kept at
40 ºC while diffraction patterns were collected every 35 s for approximately 3 hours with a
monochromatic radiation of 12 keV at the XRD1 beamline of the Laboratório Nacional de Luz
Síncrotron (LNLS) in Campinas, SP - Brazil. The main crystalline phases (C2S, C3S, ettringite,
ye’elemite and gypsum) involved in the hydration were quantified by Rietveld analysis. The most
noticeable fact was the absence of portlandite as a crystalline precipitate, most likely due to the
capture of calcium ions to form ettringite.
Como referenciar
ROSSETTO, CLEUSA M.; ICHIKAWA, RODRIGO U.; MARTINEZ, LUIS G.; CAREZZATO, GERALDO L.; CARVALHO, ALEXANDRE M.G.; TURRILLAS, XAVIER. In situ hydration of sulfoaluminate cement mixtures monitored by synchrotron X-Ray diffraction. Materials Science Forum, v. 930, p. 153-157, 2018. DOI: 10.4028/ Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 Feb 2025.
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