Feasibility studies of using thin entrance window photodiodes for clinical electron beam dosimetry

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Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences
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The response of the commercial XRA-24 PIN photodiode (5.76 mm2 active area) for clinical electron beam dosimetry covering the range of 8-12 MeV was investigated. Within this energy range, the charge generated in the diode’s sensitive volume is linearly dependent on the absorbed dose up to 320 cGy. However, charge sensitivity coefficients evidenced that the dose response of the diode is slightly dependent on the electron beam energy. Indeed, the diode’s energy dependence was within 8.5% for 8-12 MeV electron beams. On the other hand, it was also observed an excellent repeatability of these results with a variation coefficient (VC) lower than 0.4%, which is within the 1% tolerance limit recommended by the AAPM TG-62. Furthermore, the agreement between the percentage depth dose profiles (PDD) gathered with the diode and the ionization chamber allowed achieving the electron beam quality within 1% of that obtained with the ionization chamber. Based on these results, the photodiode XRA-24 can be a reliable and inexpensive alternative for electron beams dosimetry.

Como referenciar
NASCIMENTO, C.R.; ASFORA, V.K.; BARROS, V.S.M.; GONCALVES, J.A.C.; ANDRADE, L.F.R.; KHOURY, H.J.; BUENO, C.C. Feasibility studies of using thin entrance window photodiodes for clinical electron beam dosimetry. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, v. 7, n. 2A, p. 1-9, 2019. DOI: 10.15392/bjrs.v7i2A.577. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/29985. Acesso em: 08 Jul 2024.
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