Phantom validation of optical attenuation coefficient estimation model with depth resolution for Optical Coherence Tomography

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Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) has been used for imaging and analyzes over a broad number of applications.[1-3] Besides its use for morphological analysis [3] the OCT signal has been used to determine the optical attenuation coe±cient of biological samples for classi¯cation and diagnostic proposes. [1,2] The most common model for estimating the optical attenuation coe±cient based on OCT signal relies on the Lambert- Beers law. It usually assumes a constant attenuation coe±cient value over the image range or over a selected range, losing the in-depth resolution on OCT. Previous published work on literature developed a model to esti- mate the attenuation coe±cient with depth resolution [4], however it assumes that the light is totally attenuated within the image depth range failing for membrane like samples. We present a model that, using the tissue sample transmittance as input, remove this limitation and to estimate the depth-resolved optical attenuation coe±cient. This method allows us to obtain an image of tissue optical properties instead of that from intensity contrast, guiding diagnosis and tissues di®erentiation, extending its application from thin to tick samples. The performance of our method was tested with the assistance of a home built single layer and multi-layer phantoms ( 100¹m each layer). These optical phantoms are composed of a substrate polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), Zinc- Phthalocyanine (ZnPc) dye as chromophores, and TiO2 as scattering agent. The optical attenuation coe±cient ranges from 0:9 to 2:32 mm¡1, measured using an integrating sphere followed by the Inverse Adding Doubling processing technique. We show that the estimated depth-resolved attenuation coe±cient recovers the reference values, with a error deviation of 7 %.

Como referenciar
AMARAL, MARCELLO M.; ARAUJO, JEANN C.R.; ANTUNES, ANDREA; MONTE, ADAMO F.G.; CARA, ANA C.B. de; FREITAS, ANDERSON Z. de; ZEZELL, DENISE M. Phantom validation of optical attenuation coefficient estimation model with depth resolution for Optical Coherence Tomography. In: ENCONTRO DE OUTONO DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE FÍSICA, 42., 26-31 de maio, 2019, Aracaju, SE. Resumo... São Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 Mar 2025.
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