Sintering under AC electric field of samarium doped ceria

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Samarium doped ceria (SDC) is a high oxygen-ion conductor compound with application in solid oxide fuel cells operating at intermediate temperatures (500-700ºC). Polycrystalline SDC exhibits low sinterability, requiring high temperatures to achieve full densification under conventional sintering. Flash sintering is a recently developed method in which ceramic compacts may be sintered at lower temperatures and shorter times than those under conventional sintering. It consists in applying an electric field to a green compact, either during heating or at a fixed temperature up to the occurrence of an electric current pulse. In this study, samarium doped ceria (Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9) was sintered by applying AC electric field at a fixed frequency of 1.0 kHz to the specimen during heating (dynamic sintering) or during a fixed temperature (isothermal). The influence of sintering on densification, microstructure and ionic conductivity was investigated. Similar density values were obtained for specimens sintered at 800ºC (dynamic) and 1100ºC (isothermal).

Como referenciar
REIS, SHIRLEY L. dos; CARVALHO, SABRINA G. de M.; MUCCILLO, ELIANA N. dos S.; MUCCILLO, REGINALDO. Sintering under AC electric field of samarium doped ceria. In: BRAZILIAN MRS MEETING, 17th, September 16-20, 2018, Natal, RN. Abstract... São Carlos: Aptor Software, 2018. p. 1064-1064. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 Jul 2024.
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