Analysis of the protective actions in the Emergency Planning Zones (EPZs) in the Angra dos Reis region through the calculation of the dose for public individuals due to a severe accident at the Angra 2 Nuclear Plant
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This work presents the results of the computational simulations of the consequences of a severe accident in Angra 2 nuclear power plant. The severe accident was supposed to be caused by a rupture of 380cm2 in the primary reactor coolant system resulting in loss of coolant. Since the area of the rupture is quite smaller than the total flow area of the pipe of the primary coolant system, 4418cm2, the accident is classified as a small break loss of coolant accident. However, this rupture by itself would not bring the system about a severe accident, which must involve a considerable damage in the nuclear core. Thus, some boundary conditions were added to the problem in order to set a scenario of this kind of accident, which was simulated by means of the MELCOR code. The results obtained by this code show that the release of the radionuclide to the environment starts at the opening of the containment relief valve, and this valve, in turn, opens when the containment pressure reaches 7bar, at 168 hours after the break of the pipe of the coolant system, according to the simulation. The program used for calculation of the release of the radionuclides to the surrounding region of the nuclear plant was the CALMET/CALPUFF code, so that the atmospheric and transport model were elaborated for this code. A source term was used in order to carry out an analysis of the protective actions in the emergency planning zones by means dose calculation for individuals of the public, and it was based on two different scenarios: first scenario, release of the total activity to the atmosphere of Xe, Cs, Ba and Te, after 2h simulation and second scenario, release of the total activity to the atmosphere of Xe, Cs, Ba and Te, after 168h of simulation.
Como referenciar
AGUIAR, ANDRE S.; LEE, SEUNG M.; SABUNDJIAN, G. Analysis of the protective actions in the Emergency Planning Zones (EPZs) in the Angra dos Reis region through the calculation of the dose for public individuals due to a severe accident at the Angra 2 Nuclear Plant. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 5862-5876. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 Mar 2025.
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