Advances on Nafion-based composites for high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells
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PEMFC (Proton exchange membrane fuel cell) is considered a promising and
efficient hydrogen fuelled electrical power source. However, PEMFC faces several
technical problems, such as sluggish electrode reaction kinetics involving the
limiting rate of the oxygen reduction and alcohol oxidation reactions, and high
resistance to ion transport that could be surpassed with increasing of the
operation temperature. The main impediment for such a temperature increase is
the water dependent performance of the state-of-the-art Nafion electrolyte. Above
80 ºC water starts to evaporate considerably and Nafion microdomains begin to
shrink, disrupting its percolative structure, leading from a conductor to insulator
transition. In this work, the incorporation in-situ or ex-situ of an inorganic phase
with hydrophilic properties, such as TiO2 and SiO2, into Nafion membranes has
been evaluated as an interesting alternative to produce stable electrolytes able to
operate at higher temperatures (130o C). The physical-chemistry and
electrochemical characterisation has shown that the inorganic particles located in
both the nonionic and ionic regions of the ionomer have important contributions
to enhanced thermal stability and water uptake. Such features resulted in
significant improvements of the PEMFCs using composite electrolytes tested at
high operating temperature and low relative humidity. In addition, remarkable
enhancement on the DEFC (Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell) performance (122 mW cm‑2)
has been obtained as a result of an increase of ethanol oxidation reaction rate
promoted by the combination of enhanced catalyst activity and high temperature
of operation using stable composite Nafion-SiO2 electrolytes.
Como referenciar
SANTIAGO, ELISABETE I.; MATOS, BRUNO R.; DRESCH, MAURO A.; ISIDORO, ROBERTA A.; FONSECA, FABIO C. Advances on Nafion-based composites for high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells. In: BRAZIL MRS MEETING, 16th, September 10-14, 2017, Gramado, RS. Abstract... São Carlos, SP: Aptor Software, 2017. p. 55-55. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 Mar 2025.
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