Hybrid composites with glass fiber and natural fibers of sisal, coir, and luffa sponge

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Journal of Composite Materials
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Hybrid composites with synthetic and natural fibers are a good choice in the field of composites, as they combine the good mechanical performance of synthetic fibers with the advantages of natural fibers. In this work, polymeric hybrid composites associating glass fiber and natural fibers were developed. Three hybrid composites were developed: sisal/ glass, coir/glass and Luffa/glass. The composites are five-layer laminate, three layers of E-glass interspersed with two layers of natural fibers that can be sisal, coir, or Luffa sponge (Luffa Cylindrica). In addition to hybrid composites, a five-layer fiberglass composite was also manufactured. The composites were manufactured by compression molding technique using orthophthalic polyester resin as matrix. Tensile and flexural tests were performed to characterize the composites. Considering the three hybrid composites, the best behavior was observed for the sisal/glass composite, being a potential replacement for fiberglass. The order of performance was the same in the tensile and flexural tests, sisal/glass, coir/glass, and luffa/glass, in this order. In the specimen’s fracture analysis, for both tests, it was observed that the fracture was quite located with no damage in regions far from the fracture. This behavior indicates good adhesion between the layers of natural and synthetic fibers, despite the discrepancy of their properties.

Como referenciar
SILVA, ROSANA V. da; VOLTZ, HIURY; ITMAN FILHO, ANDRE; MILAGRE, MARIANA X.; MACHADO, CARULINE de S.C. Hybrid composites with glass fiber and natural fibers of sisal, coir, and luffa sponge. Journal of Composite Materials, v. 55, n. 5, p. 717-728, 2021. DOI: 10.1177/0021998320957725. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/31934. Acesso em: 19 Feb 2025.
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