Monte Carlo simulation to assess free space and end-weld thickness variation effects on dose rate for a new Ir-192 brachytherapy source
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Applied Radiation and Isotopes
A new Iridium-192 seed for brachytherapy is under development. Specific dose rate contribution by two different
factors were evaluated: the effect from movement of the core in the free space within the seed and the effect of
the end-weld thickness variation. Both were investigated through use of the Monte Carlo radiation transport code
MCNP6 and an in-house routine programmed with MATLAB. Differences greater than 15% compared to results
from the nominal seed were found near the source, indicating a significant dose variation.
Como referenciar
ANGELOCCI, LUCAS V.; SOUZA, CARLA D. de; PANTELIS, EVAGGELOS; NOGUEIRA, BEATRIZ R.; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A.; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M. Monte Carlo simulation to assess free space and end-weld thickness variation effects on dose rate for a new Ir-192 brachytherapy source. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, v. 173, p. 1-6, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2021.109709. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 Mar 2025.
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