Effect of a diode laser irradiation in root canals contamined with Enterococcus faecalis
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High success rates were achieved in conventional endodontic treatment of vital pulp teelh. However, in non-vital pulp a decrease
of success occurs due to difficulties to achieve a complete disinfection of root canal system. Some bacteria, such as Enterococcus
faecalis, are frequently found in endodontic treatment failure due to their high resistance to the usual process of canal shaping
and cleaning. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of a diode laser irradiation in bacterial reduction of
contaminated canals as well as to analyze the effect of the laser irradiation associated with the use of calcium hydroxide paste.
Eighty two root canals infected with Enterococcus faecalis suspension (1x10(6) CFU/ml) were irradiated with a high power diode laser (810nm, Opus 10- Sharplan - Israel) with two different parameters: 2.5W and 3 W (cw), using a 360 μm fiber at an angle of
approximately 5 degrees to the dentine surface during 5 seconds in 5 applications, within 20 seconds intervals between.
Temperature was monitored at apex using a K-pipe thermocouple. Maximum temperature was 7.45ºC. After these proceedings
specimens were vortexed in peptone water and dilutions performed. Aliquots were plated on m-Enterococcus agar. Colonies
Forming Units (CFU) of all groups was counted. Statistically the results showed a significant reduction of bacteria on all groups
after laser irradiation. A high reduction rate was achieved: 98.5% immediately after laser irradiation; 48 hours after, the
reduction rate was 96.73% and finally a 100% reduction was achieved with the association of laser irradiation and calcium
hydroxide paste. These high rates of bacteria reduction were achieved using the parameter of 3W (cw), 4.24 KW/cm2. The use of
high power diode laser 810nm is highly efficient and suitable to reduce Enterococcus faecalis in infected root canals.
Como referenciar
RADAELLI, C.R. de M.; ANTUNES, A.; CAI, S.; ZEZELL, D.M.; GOUW-SOARES, S. Effect of a diode laser irradiation in root canals contamined with Enterococcus faecalis: “In vitro” study. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON LASERS IN DENTISTRY, 8th; ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR LASER DENTISTRY, 14th, July 31 - August 2, 2002, Yokohama, Japan. Abstract... Aachen, Alemanha: International Society for Laser in Dentistry, 2002. p. 48-48. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/32353. Acesso em: 29 Mar 2025.
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