An algorithmic software model for the characterization of radioactive waste

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Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
ODS 12
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Non-consolidated information base, repetitive work, and data unreliability are some of the issues that may hamper a radioactive waste characterization program. Therefore, an algorithmic software model for the characterization of radioactive waste is proposed to boost waste management in nuclear-based facilities. The data obtained have enabled the construction of a guide code in the pseudotechnical language. The developed system fully covered the characterization stage, and met the needs identified in the radioactive waste management service. Here, we propose systematic documentation of the characterization methods that are employed during the radioactive waste management processes, besides formulating the system’s data recording.

Como referenciar
TESSARO, ANA P.G.; ARAUJO, LEANDRO G. de; TSUTSUMIUCHI, VICTOR K.; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, JULIO de; VICENTE, ROBERTO. An algorithmic software model for the characterization of radioactive waste. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, v. 330, n. 1, p. 279–292, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s10967-021-07934-2. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 Feb 2025.
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