Methane determination in São Paulo coastal regions using the Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) technique
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Methane is one of the main greenhouse gases due to its high radiation absorption capacity. The
increase in methane emissions from anthropogenic sources causes concern in the entire scientific community
due to the aggregated uncertainties, generating several works focused on the identification and quantification of
generating sources. This work aims to quantify methane in two distinct regions, the first study region is in
Cubatão city, located in the São Paulo coast. It is an important petrochemical complex with high industrial
activities and environmental impact, presenting 25 large companies in the chemical sector, distributed in an area
of 143 Km2. Another region observed is Intanhaém, on the coast of the state of São Paulo. This region doesn´t
present industrial activity and has a low population index. The technique used to detect methane in the
atmosphere was Cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS), which consists on analysis of atmospheric
components, in a small cavity that has a laser and high reflectivity mirrors of 99.999%, allowing the signal
travel for kilometers inside the cavity, in a short time, increasing the sensitivity of detection of compounds in the
Como referenciar
CORREA, THAIS; MACEDO, FERNANDA M.; ARAUJO, ELAINE C.; ANDRADE, IZABEL S.; GOMES, ANTONIO A.; SILVA, JONATAN; LANDULFO, EDUARDO. Methane determination in São Paulo coastal regions using the Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) technique. In: WORKSHOP ON LIDAR MEASUREMENTS IN LATIN AMERICA, 11th, October 19-22, 2021, Punta Arenas, Chile. Abstract... Punta Arenas, Chile: Universidad de Magallanes, 2021. p. 50-50. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 Mar 2025.
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