Possible approachs to Generation IV reactors

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Journal of Engineering Research
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World is changing in terms of pursuing new energy technologies, and nothing different happens with nuclear. The Generation IV initiative depicts a new revolution in terms of electricity supply for the future. The proof of concept originated in the Generation IV forum, which listed six possible technological routes for a future of nuclear generation based on fissile material, which includes safety requirements, nuclear energy efficiency and less waste generation, in terms of new reactors concepts. These are the very high temperature reactor (VHTR); supercritical water-cooled reactor (SCWR); molten salt reactor (MSR); gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR); sodium cooled fast reactor (SFR); and lead-cooled fast reactor (LFR). The present study explored the possibilities, the obstacles, as well as the challenges to be overcome, for the Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR). Despite other technological paths have their benefits, VHTR technology seems to be versatile; it originates on the advancement of another type, the High Temperature Reactor (HTR). USA, Germany and UK were main countries in this avant-garde research. In addition to generating electrical energy, VHTR can provide heat for industrial sectors and other applications. Like any nuclear technology, challenges regarded to safety and the environment are key points in the implementation of the system. VHTR was here prospected, with its “pros and cons”; as a promising way to a safe nucleoelectric energy. Summarizing, VHTR is shown as a possible alternative, as long as studies of high-strength materials go ahead. In short, the reactor becomes a viable source of thermonuclear generation, also associated with hydrogen production.

Como referenciar
ALMEIDA, MADISON C. de; PAIXAO, CLAUDIA M.; ARQUINTO, JULIANA; KOTANI, PALOMA O.; MARINHO, THAYNA C.; ALONSO, VANESSA M.; ANDRADE, DELVONEI A. de. Possible approachs to Generation IV reactors: a feasible choice. Journal of Engineering Research, v. 2, n. 22, p. 1-11, 2022. DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.31722222031010. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/33425. Acesso em: 05 Jun 2024.
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