Utilization of NbC nanoparticles obtained by reactive milling in production of alumina niobium carbide nanocomposites
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Advances in Science and Technology
The increased interest in nanostructured materials is due to improvements in the
mechanical properties presented for these materials. Significant increases in properties such as
hardness, wear resistance and in some cases, strength and toughness of nanostructured ceramics
have been reported, compared to conventional ceramics. High-energy milling can lead to selfsustaining reactions in a variety of systems. In this study, reactive high-energy milling was used to
synthesis niobium carbide (NbC) nanoparticles. The reaction products were de-agglomerated and
mixed with commercial ultra-fine alumina powder to produce alumina matrix nanocomposites with
5vol% of nanometric NbC. Alumina/NbC nanocomposite produced using powder obtained by
reactive present good microstructural characteristic, high densities, good hardness and higher
toughness. What makes this material an interesting alternative for production of ceramic cutting
Como referenciar
TROMBINI, VANIA; BRESSIANI, ANA H. de A.; PALLONE, ELIRIA M.J.A.; TOMASI, ROBERTO. Utilization of NbC nanoparticles obtained by reactive milling in production of alumina niobium carbide nanocomposites. Advances in Science and Technology, v. 63, p. 257-262, 2010. DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AST.63.257. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/4592. Acesso em: 22 Feb 2025.
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