Study of gels of molybdenum with cerium in the preparation of generators of sup(99)Mo - sup(99m)Tc
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Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology
Tc has ideal nuclear properties for organ imaging in nuclear medicine, and it is obtained from the
generator. Four different types of generators are available: chromatographic that uses
99Mo from fission of
uranium; MEK solvent extraction; Tc2O7 sublimation; gel chromatographic. This work presents the preparation of
gel generators of molybdenum with cerium and characterization of the gels: mass ratio between molybdenum and
cerium, structure, size of particles and elution percentage of 99m
Tc after irradiating the gels. Eight gels were
prepared at the same temperature of 50 ÂșC with concentrations of NaOH of 2 and 4 mol/L, mass ratio of 0.31 and
0.38 and final pH of 3.5 and 4.5. The analysis of the results proved that these gels are not adequate for preparation
of the generators of 99Mo99m
Tc, since the elution percentages are low, when compared with the gel of molybdenum
with zirconium.
Como referenciar
MORAES, V.; MARCZEWSKI, B.; DIAS, C.R.; OSSO JUNIOR, J.A. Study of gels of molybdenum with cerium in the preparation of generators of sup(99)Mo - sup(99m)Tc. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, p. 51-56, 2005. n.esp. 2. DOI: 10.1590/s1516-89132005000700007. DisponĂvel em: Acesso em: 23 Feb 2025.
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