An alternative method to produce Usub(3)Osub(8) powder for MTR fuel elements

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Key Engineering Materials
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This work describes an alternative method of obtaining UzOs powder for MTR type fuel elements by AUC calcinations and sintering at specific conditions. The obtained UzOg powder is suitable to be used as a nuclear fuel. It could be checked by analyzing its physical and chemical properties and those ones resulting from the obtained fuel plates. Metallographic tests were carried out in those fuel plates in order to determine the UzOg particle size distribution by image analysis. The main conclusions show the applicability of the method, owing to the similar powder and fuel plates properties, as compared to the conventional method.

Como referenciar
MARCONDES, G.H.; RIELLA, H.G.; DURAZZO, M. An alternative method to produce Usub(3)Osub(8) powder for MTR fuel elements. Key Engineering Materials, v. 189/191, p. 32-37, 2001. DOI: 10.4028/ Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 Feb 2025.
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