Radiological protection control at a cyclotron facility
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High energy cyclotrons in use by several decades for the production of radionuclides in the diagnosis
of diseases have been applied, particularly to supply the short-lived products to nuclear medicine services. The
cyclotrons operate at relatively high beam currents which result in high dose rates in the vaults and there is
potential risk of acute exposure of personnel. The cyclotron staff was identified among the higher exposure
groups in the Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares – IPEN – CNEN/SP. The radiological protection
staff has established a radiological protection program whose purpose is providing an adequate occupational
worker protection system in agreement to national and international radiological protection standards. The goal
of this paper is to review the characteristics of unusual events occurred in the workplaces at cyclotron facility
during the year of 2007. In addition, another objective is also to relate the main causes of unusual events
occurred in the workplaces that resulted some worker irradiation or workstation contamination. The data analysis
included the radiological protection records and reports examination, provided by radiation protection
supervisor, complemented by interviews with radiation protection technician and workers involved in the
processes. It was verified that in the period of study occurred nine events. Improved technology and dosimetry
systems, the use of dose mapping techniques, innovative approaches to task analysis and the application of
management skills to the planning of maintenance work have all contributed to this success. A major gain has
been made but continues procedures reviews to cyclotron group are recommended according to the ALARA
Como referenciar
FERNANDES, IVANI M.; SILVA, AMANDA J. da; ROMERO FILHO, CHRISTOVAM R.; RODRIGUES, DEMERVAL L.; SANCHES, MATIAS P.; CARNEIRO, JANETE C.G. Radiological protection control at a cyclotron facility. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL RADIATION PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, October 19-24, 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceedings... Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 Mar 2025.
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