Aspects of higly microplastic contamination in the Atlantic Forest estuary
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The Atlantic Forest is one of the richest regions in terms of biodiversity in the world. Originally the
biome covered about 15% of the national territory. Currently, only about 12.4% (SOS MATA ATLÂNTICA,
2021) of well-preserved forest remnants remain in the country [1]. Regarding mangrove areas, in the state of
São Paulo there are about 223 km², according to the Atlas of mangroves in Brazil, with about 120.5 km² of
this total in Baixada Santista. Analyzes of sediments collected at Santos estuarine mangroves, in various
points show a high concentration of microplastics generated from industrial processes or even anthropogenic
activity. These solid particles based on (< 5 mm) are today one of the main environmental problems. The
microplastics present in the sediment samples were quantified after drying and sieving amount limited of
sediment. FTIR and micro-Raman spectroscopy identified filaments and fragments of microplastics (MPs) as
commom polymer spectra. Also additives and herbicides were present in some MPs. All polymeric types
identified (<5mm) have wide applications and demands by packaging, civil construction, automotive,
electrical and electronics, and textile sectors.
Como referenciar
PARRA, DUCLERC F.; GIMILIANI, GIOVANA; SANTOS, JACINETE L. dos; COTRIM, MARYCEL E.B. Aspects of higly microplastic contamination in the Atlantic Forest estuary. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE POLIMEROS, 17., 29 de outubro - 2 de novembro, 2023, Joinville, SC. Anais... São Carlos, SP: Aptor Software, 2023. p. 1516-1518. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 Mar 2025.
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