Corrosion of research reactor AL-CLAD spent fuel in water

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A significant amount of aluminium-clad spent nuclear fuel from research and test reactors worldwide is currently being stored in water-filled basins while awaiting final disposition. As a result of corrosion issues, which developed from the long-term wet storage of aluminium-clad fuel, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) implemented a Co-ordinated Research Project (CRP) in 1996 on the "Corrosion of Research Reactor Aluminium-Clad Spent Fuel in Water." The investigations undertaken during the CRP involved ten institutes in nine different countries. The IAEA furnished corrosion surveillance racks with aluminium alloys generally used in the manufacture of the nuclear fuel cladding. The individual countries supplemented these racks with additional racks and coupons specific to materials in their storage basins. The racks were immersed in late 1996 in the storage basins with a wide range of water parameters, and the corrosion was monitored at periodic intervals. Results of these early observations were reported after 18 months at the second research co-ordination meeting (RCM) in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Pitting and crevice corrosion were the main forms of corrosion observed. Corrosion caused by deposition of iron and other particles on the coupon surfaces was also observed. Galvanic corrosion of stainless steel/aluminium coupled coupons and pitting corrosion caused by particle deposition was observed. Additional corrosion racks were provided to the CRP participants at the second RCM and were immersed in the individual basins by mid-1998. As in the first set of tests, water quality proved to be the key factor in controlling corrosion. The results from the second set of tests were presented at the third and final RCM held in Bangkok, Thailand in October 2000. An IAEA document giving details about this CRP and other guidelines for spent fuel storage is in pres. This paper presents some details about the CRP and the basis for its extension.

Como referenciar
BENDERESKAYA, O.S.; DE, P.K.; HADDAD, R.; HOWELL, J.P.; JOHNSON JUNIOR, A.B.; LAOHAROJANAPHAND, S.; LUO, S.; RAMANATHAN, L.V.; RITCHIE, I.; HUSSAN, N.; VIDOWSKY, I.; YAKOVLEV, V. Corrosion of research reactor AL-CLAD spent fuel in water. In: INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON REDUCED ENRICHMENT FOR RESEARCH AND TEST REACTORS, 24th, Nov. 3-8, 2002, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. p. 779-795. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 Mar 2025.
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